A smarter school MIS for Wales

A complete, cloud-based school Management Information System (MIS) and Finance solution from IRIS Education.

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IRIS Ed:gen is the perfect fit for schools in Wales

IRIS Education helps thousands of schools across the UK and the rest of the globe to become smarter, with our award-winning software. With more than 30 years’ experience in cloud MIS (Management Information Systems), and a presence in over 90 counties globally, we understand that each nation will have their own system requirements.

See why our cloud-based school MIS, IRIS Ed:gen, is the perfect fit for schools in Wales.

  • Available in Welsh

    At the flick of a switch, IRIS Ed:gen takes you between the English and Welsh language.

  • Welsh statutory returns

    We’re working with various partners to ensure IRIS Ed:gen is fully compliant with Welsh statutory returns.

  • Need a new finance system too?

    Our cloud-based FMS (Financial Management System) is the perfect fit for maintained Welsh schools alongside IRIS Ed:gen.

  • A complete solution

    With over 50 modules, you’ll benefit from payments, HR modules, safeguarding, parent and student apps, Local Authority (LA) reporting and more.

  • Our partnership pledge

    We’re committed to working in partnership with Welsh Local Authorities, government groups and educators, to ensure that IRIS Ed:gen truly reflects the needs of Welsh schools – today and tomorrow.

  • Switching made simple

    You’ll receive expert training and around-the-clock support to manage the transition from legacy systems.

Quickly switch between the English and Welsh language

See how IRIS Ed:gen compares to other MIS for schools in Wales

  • Ed:gen

  • SIMS

  • Bromcom

  • Arbor

English and Welsh languageiconiconiconiconicon icon
Welsh statutory returnsiconiconicon icon
Cloud nativeicon icon iconicon
All school phasesiconiconiconicon
Attendance recording on any deviceiconiconiconicon
Pupil report writericoniconiconicon
Assessment and trackingiconiconiconicon
Inbuilt safeguarding moduleicon icon iconicon
Behaviour managementiconiconiconicon
Parent messaging and paymentsiconiconiconicon
All MIS modules in base priceicon icon icon icon
School finance systemiconiconiconicon
One single provider for MIS, FMS, HR,
Payroll, Payments, Compliance and
icon icon icon icon

It's time to switch to a smarter school MIS

We’re already working closely with a number of Local Authorities. If you are a Welsh LA or school and would like more information on IRIS’s MIS and Finance solutions, then get in touch with our Strategic Business Manager, Mitch, today.