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Personal Tax- Director of company with zero income BUT still shows up on Employment pages

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Personal Tax- Director of company with zero income BUT still shows up on Employment pages

Created Date

8th November 2020


IRIS Personal Tax


IRIS Personal Tax: A director for company with zero income BUT still shows up on Employment pages


If they are an active director then HMRC ‘suggest’ that the Employment is still disclosed even if there are no income/benefits.

Prior to 2021 -By not disclosing this then they would run the risk of HMRC de-registering them from Self-Assessment if this was their only reportable source. See note for Box 6 on latest form here –

2022 update – HMRC have updated their own notes with no mention of this anymore- we recommend you contact HMRC support to ask if they need the employment pages showing on the SA100 even with no income etc.

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