Power to the people: will your employees be deciding the future of work?

By Anthony Wolny | 27th May 2020 | 2 min read

Before COVID-19, remote working was impossible for many employers to comprehend – with trust and technology being the two main barriers.

Bosses worried that productivity would collapse if their people were left to their own devices, and the IT infrastructure within a huge percentage of workplaces couldn’t accommodate homeworking en masse.

The past few months has quickly changed all of that - with Government figures showing that 44% of employed adults worked at home during lockdown compared to 12% previously.

So, as they look to the ‘next normal’, businesses are facing a big question – now that we know we can enable our employees to work from home, will we need a traditional office space in our future plan?

Alongside this, discussions are taking place about whether UK workers should be given the legal right to work from home, complementing their existing right to request flexible working. Those in favour argue that this would help get the economy moving while social distancing remains in place while also limiting the use of public transport to avoid risking a spike in infections.

Should employers be getting ready?

Whether cemented by law or not, a continued focus on homeworking seems likely. To help your business prepare, we suggest you consider the following in your plans:

  • Communication – a remote workforce needs a strong communication strategy that includes timely updates to the right people at the right time. To achieve this, you’ll need tools to enable you to communicate key messages and understand employee feeling.
  • Continuity – with your workforce working in a host of different locations, you’ll need robust business continuity plans to ensure your organisation can continue to run no matter where your people are. You’ll also need tools that help you keep up-to-date records of the location of your employees, their contact details, and the assets they need to keep working, such as laptops and mobile phones.
  • Connection – staying connected is more important than ever when you’re working apart, so a digital infrastructure that supports remote collaboration is essential.

Get ready for the future

Cascade’s HR and Payroll Management system is at the forefront of the future of work. Whatever your business’s needs, our software can deliver a dynamic HR solution that meets them – available anytime, any place and on any device. Helping you to streamline your processes and improve employee engagement – enhancing your competitive advantage right now while also preparing your business for everything the future holds.

Explore how Cascade can help you get ready for the next normal – whatever that will mean for your business.

Speak to our expert team on 0344 815 5528.