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How to Link Earnie IQ and PAD P11D

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Article Name

How to Link Earnie IQ and PAD P11D

Created Date

7th July 2021


IRIS Earnie IQ


How do I link Earnie IQ and PAS P11D?


  1. First, you must create a new operator in Earnie IQ. Log into Earnie IQ using the Admin log in details. Go to Operators/Groups > Alter Operators/Groups.
  2. Create a new operator with the following details:
    • Full Name: P11DUser
    • Log-on ID: P11DUser
    • Password: P11DUser
  3. Save the new operator details and close Earnie IQ.
  4. Log into PAS P11D and clik on the ‘Connect‘ button:
IQ LnkPAS 1 | How to Link Earnie IQ and PAD P11D
  1. Select ‘EARNIEIQ Payroll System’ from the ‘Connect To’ drop down box:
IQ LnkPAS 2 | How to Link Earnie IQ and PAD P11D
  1. Right-click on the ‘Connect’ button to see the login screen:
IQ LnkPAS 3 | How to Link Earnie IQ and PAD P11D
  1. Type in the SQL Server name for Earnie IQ, leave the login ID as shown and enter ‘P11DUser’ as the password. You should hopefully see your company list displayed:
IQ LnkPAS 4 | How to Link Earnie IQ and PAD P11D
  1. Tick the tick box for the company that you want to link to PAS P11D and click ‘Connect’. PAS P11D will now initialise the link copying all employees and information to PAS P11D.

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