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Business/Personal Tax: Transmit Button is 'greyed out'?

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Business/Personal Tax: Transmit Button is 'greyed out'?

Created Date

30th March 2022



IRIS Business/Personal Tax: The Transmit Button is 'greyed out'?


Accessing the Transmit Internet Return tool and finding the tax return you need to submit to HMRC but Transmit is ‘greyed out’.

On the very bottom left, locate and click Approved. Now transmit the return.
Your IRIS Practice Management (PM) product is switched on, so you need to approve the tax return before you can transmit it.

If Approved is greyed out then your PM has not been switched on. If you do not have PM then you don’t need to tick Approved.


If you need to contact the PM team on any questions then contact us on

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