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Trust tax: Invalid data 'amount' nan is invalid according to its data type, SA Non negative Monetary structure the pattern constraint failed

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Trust tax: Invalid data 'amount' nan is invalid according to its data type, SA Non negative Monetary structure the pattern constraint failed

Created Date

1st June 2022



IRIS Trust tax - Invalid data 'amount' nan is invalid according to its data type, SA Non negative Monetary structure the pattern constraint failed


This error is normally linked to a Trust with multiple Beneficiaries with income allocation.

Ensure you are on the latest IRIS version – Help and About.

a) Check all Trustees, Settlors and Beneficiaries have a valid address and postcode (Client, View, related and Involvements- check each tab and every entry).

b) Double check the income allocation for all Beneficiaries- make sure it adds up to the total income value for the year. Regenerate and submit again.

c) Delete all the income allocation for all beneficiaries – save, close and reopen Trust tax – add back the income allocation for all beneficiaries. Regenerate and submit again.

d) Delete all beneficiaries and add back them in again with the correct income allocation. Regenerate and submit again. However if you have a lot of beneficiaries and don’t want to spend time on deleting and adding back in – then please contact and state what you have already done in this KB article.

e) Check if the Trust Return tax calculation is correct – if it is correct and you need to urgently submit it, then please post it to HMRC.

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