Enabling innovative teams to access diverse skilled interns on-demand to drive growth via an outstanding ROI.

Sometimes you simply need an extra pair of hands, and quickly. Workfinder knows how hard it can be to find the right person with the right skills at the right time to help your team, especially in the middle of a skills crisis.

Using talent solutions you can fill your short-term staffing needs across your business with high-quality low-cost flexible talent, ready to hit the ground running, enabling your teams to drive growth for your company.

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Rapidly access Gen Z talent with the right skills

Workfinder provides fast access to a wealth of digitally skilled young talent from across the UK who can join your teams on demand. They can pick up ongoing activities or help deliver intermittent critical projects at the time when your teams most need skilled help.

  • Quickly find candidates with the right skills – AI instantly matches your opportunities with the ideal candidates
  • Rapidly receive shortlists – Fill your immediate recruitment needs with highly skilled digital natives who need to supplement their incomes while studying
  • Enhanced company profiles – Showcase your company values, brand, and culture the right way
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Improve efficiency when assessing talent and hiring

Hiring is a team sport. With Workfinder’s advanced collaboration tools, you can work alongside your colleagues from start to finish to ensure you attract the right talent.

  • Unlimited users and unlimited role advertising – All the teams across your business can set up their own account and reap the benefits
  • Sophisticated tools – Allow you to assess, shortlist, collaborate, message, interview, and secure candidates from one dashboard
  • Exceptionally fast – With tried, tested and bias-free pre-written templates & role descriptions

Drive down hiring and training costs.

Workfinder provides a highly cost-effective service that gives you access to a skilled talent pool ready to fill your immediate hiring needs.

  • Reduce pressure on your workforce to improve retention and lower stress across your whole company
  • Flexible interns’ equal flexible talent. Ready to quickly join teams when they’re needed and to leave when the project is complete, or the permanent open position filled
  • Workfinder supports the people while they are with you with online courses, masterclasses, and mentoring
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