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Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk

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Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk

Created Date

2nd December 2022



Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk


image 3 | Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk
image 31 | Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk
image 32 | Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk

This issue may be revolving around: if you have changed servers or updated your servers. As whenever something is sent or received through Openspace a file of it is saved within your Iris files (In this location – IRIS\DATA\EForms\eChecklist which will show year folders and each has content).

If you changed/updated servers then all of the files within here may have been removed/lost. So when you are trying to open a completed E-checklist that is why it is saying the file cannot be found and would explain why this is happening to the clients.

What we would like you to do if possible, is send an E-checklist to be completed once again to one of the clients that is not working and ask if they can fill it out once again. Once this has been done the file can then be opened within Personal tax, we can determine that this is the cause. If you still get the same errors you need to ask your IT/tech team to look into this.

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