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Personal Tax- Residential Property CG1 'Box 8 Claim' and 'Box 13 Carried Interest'

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Personal Tax- Residential Property CG1 'Box 8 Claim' and 'Box 13 Carried Interest'

Created Date

21st December 2022



IRIS Personal Tax- Residential Property CG1 'Box 8 Claim' and 'Box 13 Carried Interest'


Box 8 Claim: Edit – Capital assets – Asset or a Other Capital gain – Add – Tick Residential (property) and tick the box for Claim Relief and enter type and value.

Box 13 Carried Interest: Edit – Capital assets – it has to be a Other Capital gain- Add- and select ‘OTHER’ and now tick ‘Carried interest’ and enter net gain/loss and dates
Note: If you also make a Relief claim (box 8) this relief value will automatically be deducted from the Box 13 Value.

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