Online roundtable: MAT financial sustainability in challenging times

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MAT Financial sustainability in challenging times

About this online roundtable:

Over the last 18 months, the education sector has seen some of its biggest challenges in decades. Increasing costs, recruitment and staffing difficulties, the impact of Covid – these are having real impact. And while the financial position of trusts appears to be ok for now, the future looks very uncertain.

We’ve invited a panel of education experts to discuss these challenges and suggest strategic action that Trust leaders should prioritise. 

Join us online at 12:30pm on Wednesday 1st March for a roundtable discussion which could help your trust thrive for decades to come.

Roundtable Details

Duration: 60 minutes


Becci Denbigh, Chief Financial Officer, InMAT
Chris Felgate, Director, Ginger Energy
Clare Barber, Senior Finance Consultant, School Business Services
Jeff Marshall, Managing Director, J&G Marshall Ltd