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VAT Filer- How to submit your own companies VAT return?

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VAT Filer- How to submit your own companies VAT return?

Created Date

9th May 2023



IRIS VAT Filer- How to submit your own companies VAT return?


There are two pathways for you to choose – please read both before proceeding:

1.If you ONLY submit your own VAT (eg you have no clients, you bought the VAT software just for your company):

    a)Load your own company in the VAT filer, Client and View, Accountant and check its set to AGENT. Exit and back to main VAT screen, now click ‘Client refresh’ – Log in using your original MTD credentials (this is from HMRC as an agent login) for your business and you can now submit VAT for their own company.

    Warning: When checking the ‘Accountant’ section: if its already set to Alternative or Branch (and not agent), stop and first ask your team if there are ANY other VAT users with logins being used, if they state yes or its unclear then follow the below steps for If you submit for other companies and your own VAT (eg your an accountant for several clients) then go to Option 2) to set up a new alternative logins.

    If you have submit for your own company but you have multiple offices with their own ASA logins then go to Option 2) instead and set up different Alternative offices.

    b) If you have any issues then you need to check your using the correct MTD credentials and you may need to contact HMRC support (as IRIS doesn’t create or support these MTD ASA credentials).

    2. If you submit other companies and your own VAT (eg your an accountant for several clients):

    a) Load your own company in the VAT filer. Client view / Accountant- switch to ‘Alternative’ accountant – new and create that new account and ensure it includes the text ‘VAT’ – then make sure its ticket ‘Can act as agent’ (may need to be Master to do this)


    b) Click the ‘Client refresh’ button
    c) Log in using your original MTD credentials (this is from HMRC) for your business (do not use the VAT ASA login)
    d) Can now submit VAT for their own company
    e) Remember the ‘Agent’ setting is normally used when submitting for other company VATs – so be careful not to mix up the alternative and agent accountants or you wont be able to submit the VAT

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