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VAT Filer/ Personal Tax- SCRIPT ERROR, Line 37/25 Char: 5 Unable to get property signature of undefined/null ref OR Could not find Acrobat External Windows Handler

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VAT Filer/ Personal Tax- SCRIPT ERROR, Line 37/25 Char: 5 Unable to get property signature of undefined/null ref OR Could not find Acrobat External Windows Handler

Created Date

5th March 2024




IRIS VAT Filer- SCRIPT ERROR, Line 37/25 Char: 5 Unable to get property signature of undefined/null ref and Googletagmanager OR Could not find Acrobat External Windows Handler


This is a known random IRIS/HMRC issue, please follow the steps below for SCRIPT ERROR and Acrobat External (at the very bottom of KB).

If you get a SCRIPT ERROR (or similar with any mixture of numbers and 0s and text) when trying to generate tax reports, submit Tax returns, access the HMRC system to sign in with your HMRC or ASA login or when trying to submit a VAT to HMRC or when needing access to HMRC to make an action. This also applies if you try and login to the HMRC site read this KB. This has been reported to the IRIS Development team who are investigating this so follow the steps below.

These can be linked to a issue with HMRC and the Browser you are using (normally its EDGE/Internet Explorer as HMRC will by default use these two browsers). The three images below are examples, if yours starts with Script error/ yellow triangle/ and allow yes or no reply then this is applicable to you.


1) Click YES to all these pop ups and see if it allows you to finish your actions – if it dosnt work and blocks any further action, continue reading this KB. Users have reported that clicking yes, have got it to work. There can be a time delay, it may not work and it loops around to same pop up now but if you try later after days and clicking YES again, then it will work) . This has been reported to our Development team to stop these pop ups in future IRIS versions.

Option 1 above is the main choice which will normally allow you to bypass the warnings

2) If you get ‘Google Tag Manager’ script error in PT– this could be linked to your agent login and ‘HMRC data retrieval’.  Go to Setup, Authorised agents. Highlight your name (initials or company name and double check you find the correct row) with ‘pre-population’, Click Reset credentials and say yes. Then close and click ‘Retrieve HMRC data’ and log in with your HMRC Agent credentials (the same ones you use to submit PT/BT tax returns and not the Agent Services Account) and the script error may not show up.

3) Update your PC Browser version (we cannot advise further as each Browser product settings has their own design on how to update etc – for example update your EDGE/Internet Explorer).

4) Try working on another pc/workstation to access the login or submit the VAT etc as it could be a issue on that one pc/workstation. Also try another IRIS login, ask another user to try as well.

5) If it happens only in PT: Go to the top of PT, Setup, HMRC data options, switch off the HMRC data retrieval -eg untick the 5-6 boxes and restart PT, can you run the same action as before eg run a report. Do note this may stop any HMRC data retrieval for clients.

6) Try again later – next day etc.

7) Go to Help and About and check your IRIS version is up to date (older versions may not operate fully with the HMRC systems).

8) Cannot retrieve HMRC data as well- remember switch back on the HMRC retrieval (look at step 5) and please read this KB to reset your credentials

If you get the ‘Could not find Acrobat External Windows Handler’ warning then this is a random HMRC or PC/server issue. A user reported back to us: they tried a different PC and went through the authorisation process. Today I am back on my own PC and it is working fine with no warning now.  So please try on different pcs and at a later time.

image 58 | VAT Filer/ Personal Tax- SCRIPT ERROR, Line 37/25 Char: 5 Unable to get property signature of undefined/null ref OR Could not find Acrobat External Windows Handler

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