How Louisa Burton found accountancy bliss with IRIS Elements

When you find a bit of software that works, even if it’s limited in what it can do for you, it can be daunting to think of moving on to something new. But what if that something new meant you no longer needed several pieces of technology and instead could log into one place, and access everything you needed?

With that comes better security, a lower cost, and better integration between your workflows. Louisa Burton was very happy on Taxfiler, it was a reliable and easy-to-use system that got the job done. But when she saw what IRIS Elements could do, she knew she needed to make the move – and a year later, she’s thrilled she did!

From nervous to empowered: How Elements software eased the transition

Moving software can be daunting for several reasons, from the risk of disruption to workflows to moving away from a system you know you can rely on. For many, though, the benefits of moving to a cloud-based platform that allows you to add on modules as, and when, you need, outweigh the risk.

One platform, one experience

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Louisa Burton

Louisa tells us, “Moving systems can be really daunting and my main concern was the data migration. I was worried that the whole process might take too long or that there would be complications and I couldn’t afford to not have a working system in place. That being said, when I saw IRIS Elements, I was really excited by the potential of having one system for everything I needed, rather than having to log in to multiple different bits of software.

“The migration turned out to be incredibly easy and everything moved over from one system to another with no complications, as the team at IRIS had assured me it would!”

The magic of IRIS Elements

Now using IRIS Elements for almost a year, Louisa has already begun adding additional modules, such as AML, and with plans to add Elements Proposal Manager later in the year.

She tells us, “Taxfiler and IRIS Elements Tax are very similar when you do a comparison, and that’s why migrating was less of a risk for me because I could pick up and run with the system pretty much straight away. I think the magic of Elements is that you can add additional modules as and when you need them. That scalability is such a benefit. I added AML to help with compliance, and because it’s part of IRIS Elements cloud platform, it makes client onboarding fully remote and linked by one central client list.”

One platform for an end-to-end solution really appealed to me and for futureproofing, I think IRIS Elements is the perfect system.”

The move to IRIS Elements – is it worth it?

“The whole process from a smooth migration to a really easy system to pick up has been great, and I’m now in a position where I can do what I could do on Taxfiler, but with the added option of being able to add on additional modules,” says Louise. “I’m so glad I moved over to IRIS Elements and I think for any accountant, being able to access everything within one solution is a much better system. Having everything in one place, with one client record to manage, completely removes the risk of making any mistakes, and is more secure.”

“The team at IRIS has been fantastic and I would highly recommend everyone make the move onto IRIS Elements.”

Are you ready for IRIS Elements?

Click here to download the full story from Louisa.