How Michael Alinek works with an ocean view, with IRIS Elements

Saving money, time and with the ability to work from anywhere, Michael is thrilled with how his move from PTP to IRIS Elements has gone.

Michael Alinek has been a loyal IRIS customer since 1986, when he was one of the first PTP customers. With over 100 clients, a mix of limited companies and personal clients, Michael has been using PTP for more than 35 years. Recognising the benefits that came with switching to IRIS Elements, he made the move earlier this year and now, using world-class software and cloud technology, Michael can work from sunnier climates with increased efficiency.


  • Michael can now work from anywhere in the world with ease.
  • Moving to IRIS Elements from PTP has allowed Michael to make substantial costs savings each year!

IRIS Elements: the key to unlocking more time for you

Migrating from PTP to IRIS Elements has changed the way Michael works, adding more value to the most important aspects of his life. IRIS Elements is cloud-native software which comes with benefits that Michael is taking full advantage of.

He tells us, “PTP is a fantastic product and I have always been very happy with it. That being said, there are definitely limitations with being tied to your desktop, and the benefits of IRIS Elements made the move worth it. I can access Elements from anywhere in the world with ease, making life much easier.”

Prior to his migration to IRIS Elements, Michael would have to download and transfer data files if he was going abroad, now he simply logs in and gets on with his work. Being in the cloud has provided Michael with more freedom and ease within his career, allowing him more time to soak up the sun in Spain.

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The unseen magic of IRIS Elements

Michael was one of the first customers to migrate from PTP to Elements, firstly with Personal Tax and then with Corporation Tax, with plans to move Accounts Production over next.

He tells us, “I would definitely advise moving over in phases, rather than trying to do it all at once. It means you can comfortably switch over from one piece of software to the other, whilst keeping everything running. I found this made it easier to use Elements, and the system has been designed to be so user-friendly that I was able to pick it up very quickly.”

Alongside working from anywhere, Michael also appreciates the time and cost savings that have come with IRIS Elements. He tells us, “Not only am I saving hours in administration time each week due to the automation available within Elements, but I’m also paying less money. I’m now making considerable savings per year in comparison to what I was spending on PTP.”

What’s more, any updates to the system happen ‘behind the scenes’ which means Michael’s work is never affected. He tells us, “I’ve been a loyal customer to IRIS for many years as I know that I’m getting quality software at an affordable price. The team behind Elements are fantastic and the future plans for the software are really exciting.”

“I’ve been really pleased with the move onto IRIS Elements, working in the Cloud is where everybody wants to be in 2024 and the sooner you move, the quicker you can benefit. I’d highly recommend IRIS Elements.”

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