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Business Tax- CT600B Controlled Foreign Companies ADD button missing

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Business Tax- CT600B Controlled Foreign Companies ADD button missing

Created Date

23rd August 2024



IRIS Business Tax- CT600B ADD button missing


When you load the CT600B screen the ADD button is missing. This is due to your PC settings hiding the button- go to your pc ‘DISPLAY’ settings.

Either change to 100% or 125% and its very dependent on what’s listed on Display resolution settings which you need to change as well – you may want to play around here. As a test we changed it to 100% (it was on 125%) and reduced to 1680×1050 (it was on 1980x). Save it.

Note: If you have a small compact laptop then you may need to reduce the Display resolution even further below 1680×1050 etc.


Now restart BT (so it can pick up the display changes), load the CT600B screen and the ‘Add’ button shows up.


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