How can you explain IRIS OpenPayslips to your employees?
Updated 11th July 2022 | 1 min read Published 19th July 2013
Introducing and embracing change is a vital step in ensuring your business continues to grow and be successful. An issue that many businesses ignore however is that you may have management approval, but you also need to ensure your employees understand the benefits and are prepared for the new processes you introduce.
IRIS OpenPayslips is a new, revolutionary solution, allowing you to send e-payslips straight to your employees’ smartphone or tablet at the click of a button. This is a big step for your company, embracing new advances in technology and helping increase business efficiency, reduce costs and help the environment.
You may understand the benefits of e-payslips from an employer perspective, but do your employees understand the benefits for them?
To help you explain the benefits of e-payslips to your employees, we have put together a user guide designed specifically for them. This guide explains what IRIS OpenPayslips is and how it works, as well as answering questions such as:
- How secure is IRIS OpenPayslips?
- How will I know a new payslip is available for me to view?
- Can I view my past payslips?