Report – Mondays See Absences Double Compared to Friday


By Sam Thomas


By Sam Thomas


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New statistics from ELAS reveal that the absentee rate for Mondays is almost double that of absences on Fridays.

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During the first half of 2016, Monday remained in its position as the most popular day for people to call in sick to work. Absenteeism in February was the highest during the first half of the year, whilst ‘National Sickie Day’ on February 1st saw the greatest number of lost man hours.

April stands out as the month with the lowest number of absences.

David Southall is a consultant at ELAS specialising in employment law. He explained, "Employers should ensure they have robust return to work procedures in place, part of which should be to discuss in detail the reason why an employee was absent.

“Should a health issue be suggested, the employer could follow up by seeking to obtain a medical report; this will reveal whether or not the employee is properly addressing any underlying medical condition. Notes from all return to work meetings should be retained in case they need to be referred back to at future meetings with the same employee."

Keeping Track

Do you know the absence rate in your business? Does your payroll software enable you to quickly generate reports on a range of topics, including sickness?

If the answer is no, then take a look at IRIS Payroll Business, user-friendly, intuitive, powerful small business payroll software designed to help small businesses handle complex payroll legislation easily.

IRIS Payroll Business helps you remain compliant with automatic enrolment legislation, and includes features such as a detailed absence and holiday diary, and simple creation of in-depth reports.

Book a free online software demonstration of IRIS Payroll Business today and see how the software can revolutionise your payroll.

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