How Payroll Outsourcing Helps a Global Business Operate

By Sam Thomas | 8th December 2016 | 9 min read



We recently spoke with Darren Mullen, Global Finance Manager at WANdisco. The company outsourced payroll to IRIS for their UK opps earlier in 2016.

WANdisco, shortened from Wide Area Network Distributed Computing was founded in 2005, with dual headquarters in Sheffield and Silicon Valley, and is a public software company which specialises in distributed computing. Fast forward 11 years later, and WANdisco has a presence in five countries spread over six offices.

Deciding To Make The Switch

We started by talking about what WANdisco’s processes were before outsourcing. Darren explained that “we were using a small independent accountant who was processing our payroll for us. He was actually using IRIS’ software to process the payroll, which ultimately made it easier when we made the decision to outsource.” Darren went on to say “the main challenge previously was visibility and support. We simply weren’t able to get the level of reporting and detail from our previous accountant that we now can by outsourcing our payroll.” It was because of this, that earlier this year, Darren began the process of outsourcing WANdisco’s payroll to IRIS.

Outsourcing Payroll, Outsourcing Hassle

Businesses may choose to outsource their payroll for a variety of reasons, with cost, time commitments or admin being the most common reasons.

For WANdisco, Darren explained that the main reason actually stemmed from control. He told us that “the main reason why we decided to outsource was around control and the ability to quickly pull a report on exactly what management need, easily and hassle-free. I feel in control of the payroll now.”


The main question to Darren was, after outsourcing WANdisco’s payroll to IRIS earlier this year, would he recommend it to other businesses? He responded “Yes, I definitely would recommend outsourcing with IRIS, I have no reason not to. The service we’ve had in the past from IRIS has been great, I wouldn’t stay with IRIS if I didn’t trust you”

The IRIS Managed Payroll Service

Businesses can outsource their whole payroll function or enjoy bespoke tailored service from an external provider that allows a company to focus on their own expertise. Outsourcing payroll has become an option that many businesses are looking at after the recent legislative changes such as automatic enrolment and the upcoming changes to holiday pay.

If you feel as though your business could make better use of the time needed to run payroll, simply click here to begin your journey to hassle-free payroll and use our Payroll Outsourcing Calculator to receive a free, no-obligation outsourcing quotation.

You can read more from WANdisco by clicking below.

Read More From The WANdisco Case Study