IRIS Will Be Supporting GPs With Making Tax Digital

By Sam Thomas | 26th June 2017 | 7 min read

We are committed to ensuring that IRIS GP Accounts will be compliant with Making Tax Digital (MTD) when the legislation changes come into force.

As a UK owned and operated business, IRIS understands UK compliance better than anyone. IRIS has over 38 years’ experience in providing compliance solutions for UK bookkeeping and payroll users in the GP sector.

Already trusted by over 5,700 GP’s, no other supplier is better placed to ensure your practice stays ahead of any legislation. IRIS has worked closely with HMRC for years to help Making Tax Digital become a reality. We are committed to ensuring that IRIS GP Accounts will be compliant with Making Tax Digital, ahead of any legislation changes.

Should you have any questions regarding IRIS GP Accounts, Making Tax Digital or anything else, please don't hesitate to call on on 0344 815 5656.