How do I send a Self Assessment Tax Return Online?
Article ID
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How do I send a Self Assessment Tax Return Online?
Created Date
13th October 2015
IRIS Personal Tax
Please follow these steps in generating and filing a self assessment tax return online.
Step 1 – Enter User ID & Password
1. Log onto IRIS Personal Tax as a MASTER user and select a client
2. From the Setup menu select Practice Options
3. Click the Tax Options button located to the right of the agents name and address
4. Complete the screen: Agent reference / User ID / Password / Return email address
Step 2 – Generating the Electronic Tax Return
1. Log on to IRIS Personal Tax and select the client
2. From the Reports menu select Electronic Tax Return
3. Select the required options from the following screen:
Electronic Return Status – Final
NewAmended Return Indicator – New
Click OK to generate the report. Once the Internet hardcopy has been produced, click Close.
Note that the test option should only be used during the initial set up procedure to ensure that information can be sent to the HMRC gateway and that the response can be generated via IRIS. Once this has been done the test option should no longer be used.
Step 3 – Transmitting the Electronic Tax Return
1. Log on to IRIS Personal Tax and select a client
2. From the Reports menu select Transmit Internet Return
3. Click the clients name then click the Transmit button. The Tax Return will now be transmitted to HMRC
4. When the progress bar within the following screen has reached 100% click the Close button.
IMPORTANT – At the next screen when prompted to print a report, this response cannot be reprinted and is not automatically saved within the client’s record or within the communication tracking system. It is therefore recommended that all internet acceptance notices be printed out at this stage.
Practice Management users may add an extra level of security to the Transmit screen to prevent transmission of returns before they have been approved by the client.
To switch on the functionality the practice must update the tax return job profiles for individuals, partnerships, limited companies and trusts as follows:
1. Open the IRIS main menu and select System Maintenance
2. From the Practice menu select Job Types / Profiles and for each of the tax return jobs
3. Select the Profiles button
4. Highlight the job stage that indicates a tax return has been approved by the client and select Edit
5. From the Automatically complete when drop down list select the Approval Received from Client event and select OK
6. Select Save and then Close the profile
Once this has been set users will not be able to transmit electronic returns unless that job stage for the client has been completed. Unapproved returns will be listed on the Transmit Internet Return screen in a grey box with “No” in the Approved column and the Transmit button will be disabled.
Once approval has been obtained the job stage may be completed either from the job itself or by selecting the Approved button on the Transmit Internet Return screen.
For further information please see our How To Guides on the website.
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