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Personal Tax- Bring forward data and incomplete sections.

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Personal Tax- Bring forward data and incomplete sections.

Created Date

29th August 2012


IRIS Personal Tax


Personal Tax- Status indicators are available for use in Personal Tax to show whether a section is complete or in progress. When bringing data forward to the following tax year a warning message may appear suggesting that not all sections are complete and that the incomplete sections may not be brought forward.


This is for PM and PT users on how to bring forward data for PT clients.

1.Load client in PT in the latest year
2. Edit and Bring forward data
If some section data is missing
3. Go back to prior year
4. Edit and ‘Make data entry as complete’ and and mark all sections as complete (complete all button) , then run a Final Tax Comp
5. Then change back to current year and bring forward again

To mark sections as complete for client with a Practice management license, the user must have the privilege to select ‘Mark Data Entry Complete’, which maybe assigned via the staff maintenance section.

Users are required to:

1. Log on to IRIS System Maintenance as a MASTER user. 2. From the Staff menu, select Staff Maintenance. 3. Select User, click View. 4. Click the Privileges tab. 5. Under Personal Tax privileges enable ‘Can mark data entry as completed’. With this privilege set, when the bring forward option is selected all sections will be brought forward regardless of the status showing on the sections.

Clients without a Practice Management License must do the following to mark sections as complete

1. In personal tax right-click on each section within the income and reliefs section, for example, employment, share schemes, pension and state benefits 2. Select View/Change status 3. Complete all – please also make sure the Privilege for this is set for the user within the Privilege tab. 4. Change to the next year and Edit and Bring forward data.

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