Error Finalising Payroll / Creating a Backup: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable
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Error Finalising Payroll / Creating a Backup: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable
Created Date
6th January 2017
IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll
When trying to finalise a pay period or create a backup, the user gets the following error:
This error occurs because the processes that payroll uses to create the backup files are not registered correctly on this PC.
This can be quickly corrected by registering the files using the IRIS Support Hub.
To open the Support Hub, go to the “Help” tab and then click the “Support” button:
Once the support hub loads, click “System Information” down the right-hand side of the Window:
Once the list of files loads, scroll down and find two files “NMSDVDX.dll” and “NMSDVDXU.dll“. For each of these two files, click the “Register” button:
You should see the following response for each file:
You will no longer get the error creating backups or finalising pay periods.
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