Why is the Called up Share Capital note displayed incorrectly?
Article ID
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Why is the Called up Share Capital note displayed incorrectly?
Created Date
24th November 2015
IRIS Accounts Production
The Called up Share Capital note is not correct or is missing the 'Allotted, issued and fully paid' section.
To correct this there are are two things to be checked/amended;
The Share Capital needs to be posted to accounts 966/1,2,3.. for ELTD chart.
An entry needs to be made in either the Data Screens or Share Register
If using the Data Screens:
Edit | Data Screens | Company Information | Share Capital
And complete the below mandatory fields:
Class of capital – ie Ordinary
Nominal value – ie £1
Issued number of shares ie 100
Select Save | Exit Screens
If using the Share Register:
Edit | Share Register | Select Share Types tab | New
A share type will need to be created and the shares issued to a specific shareholder.