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No Extract Files to List

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No Extract Files to List

Created Date

23rd November 2015


IRIS Accounts Production


When trying to replace a Client Extract the following error occurs No Extract Files to List


If the extract file is not in the correct format, is damaged or the location specfied is empty then you will not be able to use it and will receive the error shown above. The selected location is empty When replacing an extract you will get prompted to select the location of your extract file KB12167b | No Extract Files to List The Format of the Extract file is Incorrect Extract files usually take the format of CLIENTID.BUP. For example if your Client ID was C1234 then the extract file is likely to be called C1234.BUP. If you are getting the error above please ensure the extract file you are trying to load has the correct format and file extension. The File is Damaged If the file is damaged you will need to extract the client data again and then use the replace function

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