The sum of ([SA103F:Net business profit for tax / SA103F:Net business loss for
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The sum of ([SA103F:Net business profit for tax / SA103F:Net business loss for
Created Date
13th October 2015
IRIS Personal Tax
IRIS Produces the following validation message when generating an electronic return ''Taxable Profit Or Loss The sum of ([SA103F:Net business profit for tax / SA103F:Net business loss for tax] + [SA103F:Basis period adjustment] - [SA103F:Overlap relief used] + [SA103F:Change of accounting practice adjustment]) is negative or zero, and [SA103F:Averaging adjustment] is absent or zero. The amount in box [SA103F:Adjusted profit for the year] should equal zero or must be absent. Please check.'' The validation message eventually will cause the return to be rejected with the following error message when submitting online: ''Error 6211 in /hd:GovTalkMessage[1]/hd:Body[1]/MTR:IRenvelope[1]/MTR The sum of ([FSE63 / FSE64] + [FSE67] ââ‚‣ [FSE68] + [FSE70]) is negative or zero, and [FSE71] is absent or zero. The amount in box [FSE72] should equal zero or must be absent. Please check.''
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