What is the difference between Filleted and Abridged accounts?
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What is the difference between Filleted and Abridged accounts?
Created Date
22nd December 2016
IRIS Accounts Production
What is the difference between Filleted and Abridged accounts?
Filleted accounts is the phrase used to describe financial statements which can be submitted to Companies House under s444 of the Companies Act 2006 e.g. where a company opts not to file a profit and loss account (and related notes) and/or directors’ report.
Please refer to KB IAS-12364 for further details.
Abridged accounts refers to financial statements that include an abridged balance sheet and/or abridged profit and loss account (income statement) pursuant to paragraph 1A of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Small Companies Regime.
Note: Abridgment would apply to BOTH the financial statements for the members (full) AND the registrar (under s444 e.g. filleted).
Please refer to KB IAS-12366 for further details.
The following links also provide useful information:
accounts advice for small-companies .
filing options FAQs .
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