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How is AutoMail affected by a Data Centre licence?

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How is AutoMail affected by a Data Centre licence?

Created Date

29th April 2015


IRIS AutoMail


How is AutoMail affected by a Data Centre licence?


  • What is Data Centre
  • Agent details and AutoMail
  • How does AutoMail use Data Centre
  • Technical information What is Data Centre A Data Centre is an addition to the IRIS suite utilizing the Central Database concept. Data Centre allows the multiple branch sites to use individual agent details for each branch. For example, to create a branch for Bournemouth and add an agent address for Bournemouth. It also allows an association of Staff to branches, making control and reporting more specific and efficient. Agent details and AutoMail Without a Datacentre, AutoMail may merge agent details for the Practice. For example, Browns Accountants, London Road. In AutoMail this would typically be inserted as a header for the letter. This information can be found in the system options and the template must have the agent tags inserted. To check your agent details:
  • From the IRIS main menu click on System Maintenance.
  • Once system maintenance has loaded, click on Practice and select Practice Options.
  • Your agent name and address can be found in the agent tab. How does AutoMail use datacentre? With a datacentre licence it is possible to have different branches, each with its own address. When you generate a template in AutoMail it will merge with the various branch addresses, using the AutoMail ‘agent tags’ Technical information
  • If there are no branch associations found by the Client Partner and/or Manager, the default ‘Agent details’ will be used from Program setup | Agent name and address within Personal Tax.
  • If there are branch associations found by the Client Partner, the agent address will be pulled from the branch associated with the Client Partner.
  • If there are no branches associations found by the Client Partner but are branch associations by Client Manager, the agent address will be pulled from the branch associated with the Client Manager. Note: The last two points are subject to the settings that exist within IRIS for how branches are found relating to client partners and managers. To check these options:
  • Log into System maintenance as Master
  • Click Practice | Practice Options
  • Click to the Data centre tab
  • It is possible to set the system to check the Partner before the Manager or the Manager before the Partner for branch information. It is also possible to set the system to use the second choice if the first choice has no branch data associated with it.

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