Can I restore a leaver?
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Can I restore a leaver?
Created Date
1st May 2019
IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll
A leaver I processed has returned to work at the company. Can I restore the employee and carry on using the original record? How do I reinstate an employee?
To restore a leaver, click once on their name in the list down the left-hand side. You may need to adjust the filter to show leavers. With the name highlighted go to “Employee” and click on “Restore Leaver”
HMRC now permit employers to restore a leaver and then continue paying them as a current employee even if their leaving date has been sent on a Full Payment Submission.
This is useful if you have, for example, made the wrong employee a leaver and have already sent the FPS.
However, this only applies in the current tax year; if you are restoring a leaver from a previous tax year, you can only do so to make a ‘payment after leaving’.
From now on, if you attempt to restore a leaver in the current tax year, and their leaving date has already been sent to HMRC, you will see the following message:
Click ‘Yes’ to continue paying the employee or make an adjustment to their final pay.
This option will assume you are going to continue to pay the employee. If not you must set them a leaver again using the normal leavers process.
Click ‘No’ to make an additional payment to the employee after they left’.
This option will reactivate the employee. The employee’s tax code will be amended to 0T week 1/month 1 and the payment will be marked as a Payment After Leaving in the next FPS.
Remember to re-enter the leaving date for the employee after you have made the necessary payment and before you send the FPS.
NOTE: If you are making an additional payment to an employee after they left they will be processed on tax code 0T Week1/Month1. You should NOT reissue a P45 once you have made the payment after leaving.
NOTE: If the employee has worked elsewhere after leaving and returning to your employment you should set them up with a new employee record like any new starter.
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