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Word Font And Double line Spacing Settings Are Not Saving

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Word Font And Double line Spacing Settings Are Not Saving

Created Date

13th January 2012


IRIS AutoMail


Word setting changes for font type and spacing are not saving


You must recreate the default Normal.dotm template in Word.
  • In Word select desired settings as outlined in KB IAS-11962 but
  • Select File | Options
  • Select Advanced, then on the right, Scroll down to the bottom of the options and select the File Locations button. Double-click User Templates and make a note of the full path from the address bar of the Explorer Window.
  • Close all of the options Windows until you are back to your blank document
  • Select File | Save As
  • In Save Type As, select Word Marco-Enabled Template (The file type is .dotm)
  • Enter the path noted in stage 3 into the address bar
  • Select Save and exit Word
  • In Windows Explorer, browse to the path from stage 3
  • Select Organize | Folder and Search Options, go to the view tab
  • Un-tick “Hide Extensions for Known File Types” is, and Select “Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives”
  • In Explorer you will now see a Normal.dotm and the .dotm file you have just created
  • Rename Normal.dotm to NormalOLD.dotm
  • Rename your new document to Normal.dotm Your chosen settings will now become the default settings in Word. This applies on all versions prior to 11.9.0.

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