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Importing data from other packages into Accounts Production; warning appears

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Importing data from other packages into Accounts Production; warning appears

Created Date

4th June 2003


IRIS Accounts Production


Data can be imported into Accounts Production via a CSV file. When importing the following warnings may appear: Alien account code Maximum 30 characters exceeded


Users are required to confirm that the column order on the CSV file is as follows: Amount, Account, [Undertaking – Group ONLY], Narrative, Posting Date, Work Reference, PDO, Branch, Enterprise, Fund, Activity, Grant. The Account field could be in the wrong number format e.g. if the account code from the ‘other package’ is 4 digits then the account column must have 4 digits. Some CSV files do not save the file in this format. To Save in the correct format: Open up the CSV file in Excel. ‘Right-click’ on the column heading of the ‘Account’ column, and select Format Cells. Under the [Number] Tab, select ‘Custom’. In the Type field, Enter 0000 (four zero’s) and select ‘OK’. Save the CSV file. Make sure there is no commas ( ,) included in the ‘Amount’ i.e. the amount field shows 1,000. To remove the separator (,): Open up the CSV file in Excel. ‘Right-click’ on the column heading of the ‘Amount’ column, and select Format Cells. Under the [Number] Tab, select the ‘Number’ category. Remove the tick from the ‘Use 1000 separator (,)’. Save the CSV file. For more information, in Accounts Production go to Help | Help | Quick Guides | Importing data from other packages. If problems persist contact IRIS support.

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