IRIS Accountancy Suite Support - Support Guide

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Useful tips and information to help you get the best experience from support.

I would like to take this opportunity to say how pleased I am that you have chosen to join our user community.

Implementing new software is a big step for your business, so please do take the time to familiarise yourself with the contents of this guide.

The guide contains useful information, such as how to report a problem, how to give us feedback and the process for further improving the software.

I am very proud of our industry leading customer retention rate and our high levels of Customer Satisfaction.

I want you to be satisfied with your implementation and assure you that I and my team are here to help you to get maximum value out of your software.

Best Regards,

Ali Edgley – Head of Customer Support – Accountancy
IRIS Software Group

Here are the contact details for the IRIS Accountancy product support teams:

IRIS Support
• Email:
• Phone: 0344 815 5551

PTP Support
• Email:
• Phone: 0344 815 5530

Keytime Support
• Email:
• Phone: 0344 8155560

Our address is:
IRIS Software Group
Heathrow Approach
470 London Road

For other IRIS Products please use the Contact Us page.

Normal Support Hours
Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:30 and we offer LiveChat and Email support Monday to Friday 08:30 to 18:00.


 Our KnowledgeBase and Help Centre are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Although our Support team doesn’t mind assisting you, answers to many of the common questions can be found in our KnowledgeBase or Help Centre.  We also recommend that you ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest version which can be checked here.

If you would prefer to speak to one of the team please contact us.

For IRIS to analyse and resolve problems, you will need to provide us with the following information:

• Your company name, site name and customer reference number
• Your name and the telephone number where you may be reached
• A detailed description of the problem
• Details of your configuration, such as server operating systems, office version

We are committed to resolving all incidents in the fastest available timeframe while maintaining the highest quality. You need to provide us with enough information to replicate the incident within Customer Support.

• We deem a problem resolved when:
• We have provided a workaround
• We have agreed to log an enhancement
• We identify the incident is a known problem
• You tell us that the problem is fixed
• The problem is not found to be due to any error in our products
• The problem is found related to an unsupported third-party application

We always try and get things right first time, but do recognise that from time to time problems are not solved on the first call and need to be escalated. We want to hear from you so we have a chance to put things right as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, please ask to speak to a Team Leader. The next level of escalation is to Team Manager, and following that the department head.

We operate a call waiting model where everyone is held in a queue and everyone is seen in order. Using this model it is not possible to adhere to strict agreements in service level as it is open to fluctuations in number of customers calling etc. We do though average under 3 minutes each year in getting to all calls and do strive to keep waiting time to a minimum.

For “Severity 1”
(Software fault resulting in inability to run an essential business process or in permanent data loss for all users, complete site down. Work cannot reasonably continue across whole site/all users)
15 minute response.

For “Severity 2”
(Software fault resulting in inability to complete specific processing, with no viable workaround. Operation can continue in a restricted fashion for one or all users).
2 business hour response.

For “Severity 3”
(Software fault resulting in inability to complete specific processing, but a workaround does exist to allow said processing to complete for one or all users)
4 business hour response.

For “Severity 4”
(Training/How Do I?/Cosmetic/Documentation/Usage/Legislation/Enhancement/Non-reproducible generic technical issues/Printing issues)
8 business hour response.

For “Severity 1”
Resolution as soon as reasonably possible, approximately 5 working days.

For “Severity 2”
Resolution in the next available service pack or release. Must be logged inside 10 days of a scheduled release for inclusion.

For “Severity 3”
Will be considered for resolution in the next major release, subject to other priorities. Must be logged inside 10 days of a scheduled release for inclusion.

For “Severity 4”
No commitment to resolution timescales. Solutions on a best endeavours basis.
For unreproducible technical problems, if we cannot reproduce a problem on our standard test systems, we will use best endeavours to resolve this problem but with no agreed commitment to timescale or resolution.

Email Response Targets
We aim to answer all emails within 8 business hours.

We value your feedback and it directly influences the way we develop and deliver our products and services.

We use the popular Net Promoter Score (NPS) model for surveying customer’s after each incident is successfully closed and also twice-yearly to all users in summer and winter.

This model uses a 0-10 scale to measure the likelihood to recommend us. 0-6 is counted as negative Detractors, 7-8 Passives not counted and 9-10 as positive Promoters. The number of Detractors is subtracted from the number of Promoters and a Net Promoter Score is then plotted on a -100 to +100 scales. Some of the world’s best companies publish scores in the high 70’s and use NPS as a way to improve their businesses.

We use this feedback to drive change across our business and make us better to do business with. Please use any surveys that come your way to give us your valuable feedback on what we do well and areas to improve on. We read every response carefully and do take your feedback seriously. Thank you if you have already used these surveys to feedback to us.

We genuinely value receiving our customers’ suggestions for how we can further improve our software. If you have an idea for how the software could be improved, please submit it at

In reviewing our product roadmap, our Product Management team take customers’ feedback into account.  We review demand for a particular change, so the most customers benefit, and analyse the potential impact on existing services, budget and resources if it were to be introduced.

To help our customers to ensure their compliance, we will always give greater weight to legislative requirements and prioritise these above general enhancement requests. This helps us to prioritise the order in which issues are addressed.

We offer a number of chargeable services to assist you in the successful installation and implementation of our products. These services include the following:

• Training in how to use the our products – online, on-site at your office or remotely
• Moving your product from one machine to another
• Network and standalone installation
• Microsoft Word Fees template creation
• Report Creation & Administration

Please contact our sales team to discuss which services would be most appropriate for your business.

Customer Support may request a copy of your data when a query cannot be progressed over the telephone. The data can be sent to us by various means such as external media (memory sticks/DVD) or by uploading to our secure FTP web server.

Customer data is dealt with in the strictest confidence. It will not be distributed to anyone who does not need to access it to pursue the issue for which it has been sent.

All data will be destroyed after we have completed our investigations, or after six months unless you request otherwise.

We take our obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 seriously and will deal with any Personal Data (as defined in that Act) in accordance with that Act.

Our charter documents our commitment to you:

• We will listen to you
• We will be available for you
• We will aim to be easy to do business with
• We will communicate with you when you need us to
• We will put the customer at the heart of everything we do
• We will constantly try and improve the service we deliver to you

We are committed to conducting business in a respectful, ethical, straightforward, calm and professional manner. We believe that both parties – our staff and our customers – should feel safe, secure, and accepted regardless of their colour, race, gender, religion or nationality.

It is extremely rare that individuals do not respect these shared principles. We must stress, however, that we cannot tolerate any abusive language, profanity or gestures, either written or verbal, which result in our staff or a customer being ridiculed, excluded, harmed, intimidated, or humiliated.

All calls are recorded for both training and monitoring purposes and in the event of an implied breach of these standards, we will fully investigate the matter. The possible consequences of a breach include the following and will be assigned according to the severity, number and nature of any offences.

• Verbal warning
• Written warning
• Loss of entitlement to Customer Support services, or suspension in the case of an employee