Samson Controls Case Study

This case study comes from Karl Richards, the Finance & Administrations Manager at Samson Controls Ltd., the UK arm of the German valve manufacturer.

We spoke with Karl to see how IRIS Payroll Business is working for Samson, as well as what his thoughts are about auto enrolment and how Samson manage the legislation.

Samson Controls & IRIS

We started by asking Karl what software Samson use, and what he thinks. He started by explaining “we use IRIS Payroll Business and we run our pensions through the IRIS AE Suite™.

“We initially had PAYE-Master, but after a few years we upgraded to the much more modern IRIS Payroll Business as we needed something more powerful.

“I do find IRIS Payroll Business very easy to use and it certainly does everything that we need it to do."


“Absolutely, yes” was Karl’s answer when we asked him if he would recommend IRIS to others. He explained that “we’ve been with IRIS for some time, originally using PAYE-Master and later upgrading to IRIS Payroll Business and the IRIS AE Suite™. As far as I’m concerned it’s perfect for us and what we need from payroll software.”