According to our recent survey, many Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are struggling to manage their data. More than a quarter of those who have data management teams cite effective data consolidation, analysis and interpretation as a key challenge. While over half of those without data management teams stated they find it…
Nicholas Clark | 5th June 2023 | 3 min read
Anyone parenting children might relate to the notion that kids, especially teens, think adults know nothing. ‘You don’t understand’ seems to be one of their favourite throwaway comments. The teenage brain is complex, and the teen years can be a tumultuous time; there are normal behaviours and problems that all…
Nicholas Clark | 8th March 2023 | 4 min read
If your trust has a problem with data, you’re not alone. Roughly 90% of school leaders view data and analysis as major issues impacting their workload. It’s not so much the amount of data being collected that’s the issue but rather how it’s typically collated – think difficult-to-access systems, paper-based…
Nicholas Clark | 11th November 2022 | 3 min read
A Management Information System (MIS) sits at the heart of any school/Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). With more choice than ever before, a large number of schools are currently in the throes of changing systems – over 2000 schools in the last year alone. As the start of the school year is…
Nicholas Clark | 22nd September 2022 | 3 min read
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