Attracting new clients

By Tolu Ajimoko | 5th December 2017 | 4 min read


Developing long term relationships with clients is of crucial importance to all businesses. However many practices become ‘stuck’ providing the same service to their clients year after year. The real challenge is to evolve from a single transactional relationship to one with an emphasis on customer retention, satisfaction, and lifetime customer value.
Analytics and reporting is an essential element to business success, without it business leaders are prone to make assumptions based on an emotion or a feeling.  Analysing historic and live data places leaders at the front of the curve and gives a deep insight into the data. 
The Client Engagement Matrix is one of many reports that can be produced within IRIS CRM. This powerful and informative visual interface helps identify the white space and gaps in the services clients take from a business. 
The easy way to upsell services to clients
IRIS CRM collects the fee data from Time & Fees on a nightly basis, providing CRM with up-to-date fee data on each service line.  From this report it’s possible to identify the total Gross Recurring Fee (GRF) per client. The report is also capable of filtering across client grades if selected. 
With this valuable insight readily available it’s possible to deliver personalised, targeted email campaigns to clients with pin point accuracy, creating new sales opportunities and informing clients of valuable services they are missing.  
Another benefit of the Client Engagement Matrix data is the high and low performing fee analysis. The report highlights average service line values which can be compared against other firms or across industry sectors.  
The Client Engagement Matrix helps business leaders to make more informed decisions, target the ‘underperforming’ clients and service lines allowing for speedy resolution.  It can:
Analyse data across all elements of your business 
Trigger campaigns directly from reports
Identify gaps and weak points in your business and service
Plan for the future and respond to changing events, fast!
Provide instant data reporting… No time-consuming data-mining involved
Ill informed decisions can have a negative impact to a business with serious consequences to finances, reputation and future growth.  IRIS CRM allows business leaders to collate meaningful information, make better informed decisions and take steps to successfully develop their business.

To keep a business healthy there needs to be a steady flow of customers coming through the doors. I often ask practitioners how they find new clients for their practice and the response nine times out of ten is the same: ‘referrals from existing clients’.  While word of mouth is a great way to attract new clients there is a limit on the number of clients and the type of clients that can be attracted in this way.

Missing opportunities

Consumers are very savvy these days and the most popular way to find anything is to search online. This approach is now ingrained in all of us. When a business needs a new supplier, it will search online, research the options available and draw up a shortlist before making an enquiry. If your practice does not have a website you are missing out on potential new clients.

However, just being online is not enough. You need to ensure your website can be found easily by potential clients on a range of devices including PCs, laptops and increasingly nowadays, their mobile phones. Changes to the search function from Google means that websites that are not optimised for mobiles will automatically drop down the search listings and end up further down the page.

The IRIS WebPortal

The IRIS WebPortal service delivers a complete website package, from the design and build stages right through to hosting and supporting your ongoing website experience. Practices can choose from a range of state of the art designs which include your practice branding and corporate colours. 

Your site will be submitted to all the major search engines, with on-page search engine optimisation (SEO) to ensure that it can be easily indexed. Our websites are updated with the latest SEO requirements to make sure that you get the maximum visibility on the web. Inclusion of the industry standard SEO plugin will help you with tweaking your existing and new content to perfection.

A wide range of features

To maintain a good SEO ranking it’s important your website generates traffic from regular visitors. Your IRIS website gives you the ability to not only market your services effectively to a wider network of potential clients, but allows your existing customers to access a range of calculators, calendars and tools to help them run their business more efficiently and collaborate with you online.

Our web design team will add a client portal to your website to integrate your existing KashFlow and IRIS OpenSpace portals. This client portal becomes the main entry point for your clients to access their online bookkeeping app and upload, store and approve documents. To provide a seamless end to end experience for the customers the client portal itself can be branded to match the practice colours.