What is a Lazy Girl Job? Work smarter, not harder!


By Anthony Wolny


By Anthony Wolny


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Picture the scenario: a world where work doesn't mean being glued to a desk for hours on end and where your productivity isn't measured solely by how many hours you put in.

Well, a cohort of Gen Z are pursuing exactly this.

The new employee trend, coined 'Lazy Girl Jobs' by Gen Z on TikTok, has taken social media by storm, embracing flexibility and finding smarter ways to get things done.

So, despite the name striking fear in the hearts of many employers, could this new mysterious trend be a positive if handled correctly?

What exactly is a Lazy Girl Job?

No, Lazy Girl Jobs are neither lazy nor only for girls.

To qualify as a Lazy Girl Job, the role must be remote/hybrid-friendly, safe, promote a good work-life balance and come with a comfortable salary.

On the surface, Lazy Girl Jobs seem to be a workplace revolution with Gen Z actively revolting against the norms set by their predecessors, taking a work smarter, not harder approach.

An aspect of better technology and tools such as AI also play a role, offering greater time savings for those willing to learn.

The name choice is tongue in cheek, not an endorsement of idleness but rather a reflection of a broader societal shift in values and expectations, focusing on work-life balance and measuring success on output rather than presenteeism while also promoting breaks, mindfulness and setting boundaries.

Tina Woods, CEO of Business for Health, a business-led coalition focused on improving workforce health, said: “Turning your back on hustle culture shouldn’t be deemed ‘lazy’. A healthy work-life balance should be encouraged, rather than shamed, and employees shouldn’t feel guilty or ashamed for prioritising their wellbeing and mental health over their work duties and workload.”

Are Lazy Girl Jobs just for girls?


While the creator, Gabrielle Judge, targeted her initial advice which sparked the trend towards other women, the movement has evolved past that.

Now, despite having girl in the name, the trend is gender-neutral, aiming to grab attention, spark curiosity and encourage potential participants to explore further.

It’s worth noting that the trend originates from the social media platform TikTok, which is known for using this kind of naming convention, with other popular creator-led trends, such as Hot Girl Summer, taking off this year.

While the name may have been chosen with good intentions, it has faced criticism for perpetuating harmful stereotypes, as some argue using the term "lazy" in the context of women could reinforce outdated gender norms and undermine their achievements.

Wood commented: “Traditionally, women and especially mothers have faced stigma in the workplace. This includes stigma around personality traits, maternity leave and women’s health. As a result, many female employees will feel the need to push themselves harder or work longer hours than their male peers.”

How did Lazy Girl Jobs start?

The viral video, which struck a chord with viewers, came from Gabrielle Judge in late May, garnering over 350k likes.

Additionally, the hashtag #LazyGirlJobs is currently sitting at more than 17 million views.

In her video, Judge explains frequently working 50-to-60-hour weeks as a consultant ultimately eroded both her mental and physical health. 

This experience isn’t unique to Judge – our recent research found that 53% of people work 40-50+ hours each week.

The main concept behind her Lazy Girl Jobs idea, Judge says, is reframing what a job can – and should – be for workers.

Judge explains that burnout and sickness shouldn’t be part of the equation in the work world when autonomy and flexibility have been made possible with remote working.

She adds that Lazy Girl Jobs will look different to everyone because each worker has their own circumstances, desires and needs.

How do Lazy Girl Jobs compare to other employee trends?

Some compare the Lazy Girl Jobs movement to other employee trends from earlier in the year, such as Quiet Quitting and Bare Minimum Mondays.

While both Bare Minimum Mondays and Quiet Quitting focus on disengaging at the workplace and minimising the amount of work done, Lazy Girl Jobs often concentrate on redefining work and seeking maximum efficiency. 

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What jobs can be Lazy Girl Jobs?

Wow, a job where I can relax and get paid well! Sign me up!

But what classifies as a Lazy Girl Job? Well, there are two sides to this coin.

On one hand, you could have a job that leans into the stress-free aspect where you simply work a 9-5, leaving the stresses of work behind once finished for the day.

When discussing this in her video, Judge zeros in on non-technical roles as an example, referencing Marketing Associate, Account Manager, Customer Success Manager, etc.

However, commenters in Judge’s video were quick to call out that whether these roles can be Lazy Girl Jobs largely depends on the company.

On the flip side, you have more specialised jobs, such as developers, writers, designers, freelancers, etc, which rely on technology, expertise and skill.

In a Reddit discussion, many commenters shared glimpses into their Lazy Girl Jobs, all essentially saying they are trusted to do their roles autonomously, so how and when they deliver on tasks matters little to their employers, providing they meet deadlines and deliverables.

As such, many of these roles based on output lend themselves perfectly to the Lazy Girl Job trend.

What do Lazy Girl Jobs mean for businesses?

With burnout on the rise and creativity taking a backseat, Lazy Girl Jobs aren’t necessarily a bad thing for businesses, despite the name featuring LAZY.

The trend encourages workers to find their most productive and comfortable working environments, acknowledging people have different rhythms of productivity and needs at different stages of their careers.

It’s a rather complex phenomenon, which requires consideration around ensuring staff aren’t being underutilised while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

For some employers, clocking in and finishing set tasks is more than enough, others look to foster a high-achieving workforce, and some may want a combination depending on the role.

None of which is better than the other (providing employee wellbeing still sits at the forefront), it’s simply a question of determining the kind of culture you want to foster.

To help, consider the following:

Hiring the right people

Ultimately, fostering a successful workplace culture, aligned to your business goals, lives and dies by the people you hire.

Whether you’re looking to embrace an efficiency-above-everything workplace culture, or you want to foster high-performers with a fierce drive, it all starts with recruitment.

Tailor the language, tone and responsibilities in your job ads to reflect the type of employee you’re seeking.

For example, those looking to create a high-drive workforce, consider adding terminology to your job ads such as:

  • Fast-paced environment
  • Searching for a driven and ambitious professional
  • Proactive attitude with a desire to learn

Alternatively, if you’re looking for someone who values time-saving and aligns more with the Lazy Girl Job trend, consider asking interview questions which uncover their ingenuity and problem-solving abilities + request previous examples to demonstrate these points.

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Effectively measure performance

The cornerstone of the Lazy Girl Trend and fostering a productive workforce is effectively managing performance.

No, this certainly doesn’t mean micromanaging.

Apart from setting tasks with deadlines, a fantastic way to manage performance and ensure staff deliver a desirable output is by setting wider objectives.

At IRIS, while we do a yearly performance review to keep staff on track throughout the year, quarterly objectives are set, measured and reviewed.

These quarterly objectives use an Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) model, which outlines what needs achieving (Objectives) and provides a measurable outcome which informs how close you are to achievement (Key Results).

HR software enables you to easily set and manage objectives, enabling staff to self-serve their progress + tracking objectives and progress via HR software ensures all staff productivity data is in one place so nothing falls through the cracks.

Podcast: Measuring what matters – how to build a commitment culture

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Incentivise workers 

Of course, having employees complete what’s needed is essential, but for those who want to maximise staff output, incentivising is vital.

When someone is engaged and happy at work, they’re far more likely to provide discretionary effort – the more you put in, the more you get out.

Regarding the Lazy Girl Trend, we polled our social media audience to determine what they actually want from their jobs.

Career growth was the clear winner, garnering almost 50% of the votes.

These findings, along with a wide array of other research, suggest that learning and development (L&D) is crucial to motivating staff.

Whether you’re looking to promote staff or provide additional training, offering something extra is crucial.

With HR software such as IRIS Cascade, you can use the training module to either input your own offering or connect with third-party providers, using APIs to integrate their training courses.

Additionally, within IRIS Cascade, if you’re planning to promote someone to a role such as a manager, or it is something within their desired career path, the software enables you to add filters such as new manager to their employee profile, populating their training area with plenty of applicable courses and resources.

The heart of a healthy business: wellbeing

Whether you look at trends such as Quiet Quitting and Bare Minimum Mondays which focus on minimising output, or newer trends such as Lazy Girl Jobs which prioritise efficiency, they all share a single commonality: wellbeing.

Each employee trend this year has arisen due to issues with burnout and disengagement – a huge problem for businesses, leading to decreased efficiency, creativity, innovation and collaboration.

Remote working has enabled many to find more empowerment in how and when they deliver their work.

For others, working more hours than contracted can also truly be a personal choice of discretionary effort that aligns with their goals and objectives.

Ultimately, workforce planning and better job design around workload are needed.

High-performance cultures will recognise this and be able to accommodate individuals’ preferences to strike a balance that supports overall wellbeing.