Why it’s important to show employees some love
Updated 8th July 2022 | 2 min read Published 15th February 2021

What a rollercoaster of a year we’ve just had, and now as we move into 2021, the pressure is still on businesses to provide their people with added care.
Brian Kropp, Gartner’s Head of Research in Human Resources, stated that “early in the pandemic, companies had a reserve of goodwill from their employees that they could tap to help them get through all of the disruption, but the reservoir is now empty, and employees just feel tired.”
Many are now approaching an entire year of working from home, and as a result of this extended isolation, employee engagement is quickly fading for those businesses not actively supporting it.
We recommend you use this Valentine’s day to evaluate how you manage your HR processes so that you can ensure you’re providing the love needed to maintain a happy and engaged workforce.
Why is employee engagement so important?
Employee engagement, in essence, is the emotional commitment your people have towards the business and its goals.
Below are threekey areas that link directly to employee engagement.
1) Productivity
When someone is engaged at work, they’re far more productive on a consistent basis which greatly benefits the business.
In fact, a recent study found that engaged workers outperform their peers to such an extent that businesses with high employee engagement are typically 21% more profitable.
2) Employee retention
It’s estimated that employee retention costs the UK economy over £4 billion every year.
Ultimately, an unhappy employee is far more likely to leave the business for another opportunity, whether they’re actively searching or approached by a recruiter.
But by building an engaged workforce, you can ensure far more loyalty as employees are looking to make a difference rather than just coming in to get their salary.
3) Attracting top talent
When a business has a highly engaged workforce, it’s clear to see from the outside looking in.
All you need to do is check out their various channels, and you’ll be able to see the social proof, making it far more appealing to potential prospects.
How to ensure employee engagement with IRIS HR Pro
With the vast majority of people working remotely now and for the foreseeable future, you need a HR tool that is just as effective from home as it is in the office.
With IRIS HR Pro, you have the freedom to manage your people processes from anywhere, even on your Valentine’s Day zoom date (although, we don’t recommend this particular location).
Our HR software provides you with the flexibility needed to manage employee engagement remotely, providing the ability to:
- Create bespoke workplace surveys to gauge employee feelings
- Easily manage Personal Development Plans to keep staff on the right track
- Help managers keep up to date with their team
To see how IRIS HR Pro can revolutionise your ways of working and to request a demo, click here.
Also, for a limited time only, we’re offering all new IRIS HR Pro customers 3 months free when signing up to a 12-month contract, meaning you get your 13th, 14th and 15th months at no extra charge.