6 apps to help you better run your business [Infographic]


By Matthew Thompson


By Matthew Thompson


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With more and more people using smartphones and tablets to access the internet, there is an increasing rise in the number and range of apps available for these devices. As well as apps to help you in your personal life, there are now a wide variety of apps which can also help improve your business efficiency.

Access to the internet using a mobile phone in the UK more than doubled between 2010 and 2012, from 24% to 51%. In 2012, 32% of adults accessed the internet using a mobile phone every day (Office of National Statistics, Feb 2013).

In October 2012, only 49% of internet users accessed the internet from a desktop computer, with the remaining using a portable device (eMarketer, Jan 2013).

With so many apps now available on mobile devices, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which are best for you. The following infographic looks at 6 apps which are available now, and can be used to help improve your business efficiency.

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