How are Mathie Morton Solicitors handling auto enrolment?


By James Nadal


By James Nadal


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With 6 employees Mathie Morton Solicitors reached their auto enrolment staging date in January 2016. 


So how did this small business prepare for auto enrolment and what advice would they give to other small businesses?

Stephanie Milne who oversees the payroll admitted at first the new legislation was daunting:

“Auto enrolment presented a challenge, and understanding the legislation took a while. We coped well with the changes RTI brought, but auto enrolment took us a while longer”

Giving themselves enough time to prepare was vital for Mathie Morton and they started getting ready around 6 months before their staging date in order to understand the legislation:

It was a bit confusing at first, I thought it was complicated but over time I’ve built-up an understanding. I sat on some IRIS webinars which helped explain the legislation more clearly.”

 “My recommendation for other businesses is that understanding the legislation is key as it can seem complicated and confusing at first, get trained and take advantage of as much help as possible to give yourself a greater chance of compliance.”

So how has Stephanie found auto enrolment in the months since their staging date and has it added to their workload?

“I think as a smaller employer the changes for auto enrolment have been very positive. Employees are now saving into a pension and we haven’t had anyone opting out of auto enrolment.”

“The IRIS AE Suite™ helps me manage the legislation and assesses our 6 employees automatically each payroll run, the information then goes to our chosen pension provider, NEST. It doesn’t add any additional time so the complete payroll and auto enrolment processing only takes about 20 minutes to complete.”

Read the full case study here

To find out more about auto enrolment legislation and how IRIS can help manage your responsibilities, book onto the free bite-sized auto enrolment webinar:

21st April at 11.00am