Contact Us

IRIS is the UK’s market-leading provider of mission-critical software and services to the UK accountancy, payroll, HR and education sectors.

Looking for information on our IRIS products?

We’re trusted by over 120,000 organisations, big and small, to help simplify complex tasks and automate repetitive ones. Whether you’re looking for help with accountancy, HR, payroll or education management, contact us to see how we can help.

Choose your sector or call us on 0344 815 5555

Shepherds Bush Housing Group

“With IRIS Cascade, I have the utmost peace of mind that everything is being handled properly, professionally and with SBHG’s best interests at heart.”

Shepherd’s Bush Housing Group, IRIS Cascade users

Looking for information on Accountancy?

More than 23,000 UK accountancy firms trust IRIS accounts software as a key partner to run their business – more than any other accountancy software vendor in the UK. See why by contacting us today.

Call us on 0344 815 5555

bellsaccountantsmasterlogo web | Contact us

“We couldn’t do without it – it’s part of everyday life. I think a fair description is to say it’s like an additional member of the team.”

Bells Accountants

Looking for information on HR and Payroll?

Whether you’re looking for help with managing your HR processes to empower your team and build a connected workplace, or for payroll solutions which ensure every pay run is a success, contact us and we can help.

Call us on 0344 815 5555

KP Snacks logo | Contact us

“Everyone got paid accurately and on time, with all users being able to log in and use IRIS Cascade HRi. It was great teamwork between us and IRIS.”

KP Snacks

Looking for information on Education?

We bring next-generation technology into schools, reinventing the way data and insights are used to improve educational outcomes. If you want to make your school smarter, contact us today.

Call us on 0344 815 5555

Durrington MAT | Contact us

“Each solution now plays an intrinsic role in the running of our schools. Due to the integration offered across the IRIS Education suite, when used together the solutions become even stronger”

Durrington Multi Academy Trust

Part of another industry and looking for information on our IRIS products?

We’re trusted by over 120,000 organisations, big and small, to help simplify complex tasks and automate repetitive ones. We help with other sectors such as charity, healthcare, hospitality, and legal. Contact us to see how we can help.

Call us on 0344 815 5555

Shepherds Bush Housing Group

“With IRIS Cascade, I have the utmost peace of mind that everything is being handled properly, professionally and with SBHG’s best interests at heart.”

Shephard’s Bush Housing Group, IRIS Cascade users

IRIS Affinity Partner Program

Together We Succeed

When partnerships are designed to last, it’s a win-win for all involved.
Grow your business and provide exceptional solutions to your clients.
Expand revenue potential, extend your reach in new markets, and broaden your offerings.

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