IRIS Invoice Matcher for Trusts

Transforming your trust’s invoice management through automation.

  • Save hours of valuable staff time
  • Increase accuracy and remove duplication of work
  • Stay compliant with invoice regulations and VAT requirements
  • Improve trust-wide invoice and payment data visibility, access, and analysis
  • Implement sustainable processes that keep pace with your trust’s growth
Trust staff member using IRIS Invoice Matcher on her desktop PC to improve trust-wide invoice management.

IRIS Invoice Matcher: smarter invoice management for smarter MATs

As your trust grows so does the volume of multi-line invoices you’ll have to manage.

Paper-based processes can place undue pressure on staff to track and monitor invoices, increasing the risk of human error. Documents get misplaced, delaying timelines, compromising compliance, and damaging supplier relationships.

IRIS Invoice Matcher changes all that.

Based on leading practice and tailored to your unique workflows, IRIS Invoice Matcher captures and automates the accounts payable process from start to finish.

Scalable to meet your needs today and tomorrow, IRIS Invoice Matcher replaces manual processes to save time, reduce risk, ensure budget accuracy, streamline efficiencies, and enable timely payments.

Trust staff member using IRIS Invoice Matcher to capture and automate the accounts payable process from start to finish

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  • Automated invoice processing Streamline repetitive manual tasks with the latest technology.
  • Seamless integration, fast implementationHit the ground running with full integration with IRIS Financials and thousands of suppliers.
  • Data at your fingertipsEnjoy one click visibility of purchase documents, drill down with pre-built dashboards, and monitor activity for exceptions and patterns.
  • Next level line-item processing Support multiple formats, including paper, email, PDF, XML, with unlimited analysis lines.
Trust staff members discussing invoice management whilst walking together through a school hall.

What are the benefits of IRIS Invoice Matcher?

Improve supplier relationships - icon image

Improve supplier relationships

Increase opportunities for strategic partnerships with reduced, or even eliminated, late payments

Reduce invoicing processing costs - icon image

Reduce invoicing processing costs

Fewer manual touch points deliver savings compared with manual processes

See the big picture - icon image

See the big picture

Centralise your accounts payable function, with accurate data in one easy-to-access system

Save Time - icon image

Save time

With faster, rules-driven processing for invoice approvals and exceptions

A paper-trail without the paper - icon image

A paper-trail without the paper

Documents are visible and traceable, improving budget accountability and streamlining audit

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Want to make smarter decisions with IRIS Invoice Matcher for Trusts?

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For information on how we manage your data please view our privacy policy

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IRIS Financials
Simplifying your school’s financial management.
IRIS Assets
Asset management and compliance made easy.
IRIS Financial Planner
Complex school and trust budgeting made simple, secure, dynamic, and user-friendly.