Manufacturing Payroll

Payroll tailored to Manufacturing | Industries

Save money, reduce time, and leave behind needless payroll admin with IRIS Payroll

It’s complicated to manage payroll in the Manufacturing sector. We understand that maintaining a multi-site payroll, ensuring compliance with legislation such as Holiday Pay and managing different pay grades creates a lot of admin and requires a significant amount of time and resources. Our solutions are designed to streamline and automate payroll responsibilities such as processing shift work and overtime, allowing you to focus on other business-critical tasks.

The Challenges

Various shift types

Zero-hour contracts, shift workers and full-time employees all add an extra level of complexity to your payroll.

Different pay scales

The varied pay scales within manufacturing require additional time and resources to process, taking away from other business-critical tasks.

Processing overtime

Managing the overwhelming amount of admin required to process overtime is extremely time-consuming.

Changing legislation

Payroll legislation such as Holiday Pay is always changing, placing a growing demand on professionals managing payroll to stay up to date and compliant.

Payroll tailored to Manufacturing

Whether you’re looking for an easy way to keep on top of the latest legislation or a way to automate and streamline your complex payroll needs, we have a solution.

Would you like to find out more about Managed Payroll?

Are you in the manufacturing industry thinking of outsourcing the payroll?