IRIS Software Group ranked in top 50 best performing technology companies in UK

IRIS Software Group has been named in the top 50 best-performing privately owned technology companies in the UK. Moving up 11 places in the Megabuyte50 listings since last year, IRIS Software Group is now ranked 23rd in the league table.
Megabuyte analyses the financial performance of the top 200 UK based privately owned software, IT and telecoms services companies, looking at growth, margins and cash flow to reveal the 50 best performers.
Elona Mortimer-Zhika, CEO of IRIS says, “We are extremely proud to be ranked as one of the top 50 performing privately-owned businesses in the UK. It’s truly rewarding that our employees’ hard work and dedication is not only recognised internally, but within our industry as well. This achievement demonstrates the commitment of our staff to the development of sector-leading software solutions and delivery of outstanding service to our valued customers.”
The announcement comes just three months after IRIS moved up 55 places in the Sunday Times Grant Thornton Top Track 250 league table, to be placed at 172.