IRIS Autumn v24.3 service pack


The IRIS Accountancy Suite Autumn service pack release version provides you with updated paper forms and resolutions to issues found in previous releases.

IRIS Personal Tax

Resolved issues:

  • SA100: Farmers Averaging incorrect use of a Loss where there is a loss in the transition period due to overlap being more than the profit of that period and was giving incorrect values on Tax Comp.
  • SA100: Sole trade validation appearing – where there is a sole trade with no transition profits with the overlap is being included in the Transitional Periods Profits screen and box 73.2 as well as in the expected box 69 on the Self Employment supplement, user received validation ‘Profit or Loss of the transitional part: [FSE73.1] is present so [SA103F Overlap relief not previously deducted on a change of accounting date] should be absent.’ when filing the return.

Legislation updates

  • For tax year 2025 we have updated IRIS Personal Tax to cater for latest Scottish tax rates and bandings. Enabling to forecasting tax liabilities of Scottish Taxpayers.

IRIS Business Tax 

Resolved issues:

  • CT600: SME Research and Development – uplift of enhanced expenditure and the calculation of the R&D tax credit was not populating after the expenditure is entered.
  • CT600: SME Research and Development tax credit – the software was overclaiming on the R&D tax credit where losses have been carried back to a prior year.
  • CT600: Additional information form Tick Box was missing from the R&D Page in the Data Entry Screen Box 657.

IRIS Productivity

Resolved issues:

  • Memorised Fees Postings List report was crashing when generated from a different module
  • Invoice authorisation task greyed out when Practice Management was closed.