Knowledge Base
Business Tax- R&D RDEC Corporation Tax Repayable by Notional Brought Forward figure: Incorrect?
R&D RDEC - You have entered Expenditure and have a 'Notional Brought Forward' figure or this was manually entered and…
Personal Tax- How to create/add a new Employment Business in PT?
This is assuming you have not already added/created this business into AP/BT first and instead adding it into PT directly.…
Personal Tax- When loading a specific client, PT closes with error/no error?
Personal Tax closes with no warning or you get a error message – when you select/load a client and after a few…
Business Tax- LLP/Partnership, land and property: 'The amount in box N1.19 must equal the box in 1.39'
You have a LLP/Partnership with land and property income but you get error 'The amount in box N1.19 must equal…
Personal Tax- Incorrect dates/values on Trade and Tax Comp
When generating a Trade computation -there are unknown dates are being applied which are also giving incorrect values (which also…
Business Tax- Invalid data entry: PAYENICforWhichTheCompanyIsLiableInThisAccountingPeriod
This issue creates an incorrect value on the R&D box L168. This is a DEFECT in IRIS Software Version 24.3.2.…
Personal Tax- Period Reform: Changed to Partnership OR Sole Trade, get ZERO Transitional Profits, why?
This is a DEFECT- If you have Sole trader which has changed to a Partnership or a Partnership which has…
Personal Tax- Farmers Averaging Partnership- Partners Values show a difference compared to other partner?
Both partners had exactly the same tax liability and figures entered yet the farmers averaging no longer match between the…
Business Tax- Capital Allowances incorrect if Accounting Periods longer than 18 months
BT is not creating 2 capital allowance periods / computations where the period is in excess of 18 months. This…
Personal Tax- Period Reform: Sole trader changed to partnership, should not calculate transitional profit/tax
This is a DEFECT with IRIS Version 24.3.2/24.3.0 where a Sole trader changed to partnership in the 2023/2024 period and…