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IRIS Charity Formats Knowledge Base

14 articles


IRIS Accounts Production, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Practice Management, IRIS Time and Fees, IRIS AutoMail, IRIS Company Formations, IRIS Company Secretarial, IRIS VAT Filer, IRIS Trust Tax, IRIS SA700, IRIS Fixed Asset Register, IRIS Charity Formats

IAS-71022 : IRIS Accountancy Suite Migration Guide

This knowledge base article is the outline of how to migrate IRIS Accountancy Suite from one machine to another and…


IRIS Charity Formats, IRIS Accounts Production, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Practice Management, IRIS Time and Fees, IRIS AutoMail, IRIS Company Formations, IRIS Company Secretarial, IRIS VAT Filer, IRIS Fixed Asset Register, IRIS SA700, IRIS Trust Tax

IAS-12755 : IRIS crashing when using the new 'Blue' client browser

We currently have this logged with the IRIS development team. In the meantime there is the workaround shown below which…


IRIS Charity Formats

What Charities SORP can I apply for periods starting on or after 1 January 2016?

When preparing a charity's financial statements on an accruals basis a decision must be made as to which SORP to…


IRIS Charity Formats

How do I apply the Charities SORP (FRS 102) – Update Bulletin 1?

From version 16.3 which is now available to download from our website, you can now apply Charities SORP FRS 102…


IRIS Charity Formats

iXBRL - Do I have to produce iXBRL accounts for my charity?

HMRC have some transitional arrangements for smaller charities, so the answer to this question will depend on the size of…


IRIS Charity Formats

How do I post a Revaluation and Disposal of an Asset on a Charity?

Example: An asset held within the General (Un-Restricted) Fund has increased in value. In the following year the asset has…


IRIS Charity Formats

The Independent Examiners Report is referring to 'I/My' and not 'We/Our'?

No. An Independent Examination is carried out by an individual person (see below): The Independent Examiners NAME/PROFESSIONAL DETAILS ETC…


IRIS Charity Formats

Why am I unable to select a 'Fund' within the Posting Screen?

Select Client | View The 'Business Type' should be set to 'Charity' when using ICHA/UCHA chart.


IRIS Charity Formats

Where to post Unrealised Gains and Losses for Statement of Financial Activities?

Unrealised Gains and Losses appear on both the Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA)and the Movement in Funds note therefore postings…


IRIS Charity Formats

How do I post a transfer between Funds?

A transfer between Funds will always need two entries per Fund. One within the transfer codes of 968/11-30 and the…