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Error 94 - Invalid use of Null

Article ID


Article Name

Error 94 - Invalid use of Null

Created Date

28th November 2019


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie


User gets an 'Error 94 Invalid Use of Null'


You will need to run a utility from the Admin mode of the software.

NOTE: Please ensure you have a back up of the company data before proceeding.

When you start the program login using the admin login details (Name: SYSTEM & your admin password) Once logged in to the admin mode:

• Go to “File” > “Run Utility

IPP 94Null 7 | Error 94 - Invalid use of Null

• On the next window select “Null Killer” from the drop down menu and click “OK

run utility null killer

• On the next window tick the box next to each company affected with the error and click “Fix“.

IPP 94Null 3 2 | Error 94 - Invalid use of Null

• Wait for the process to finish. This could take several minutes. Click OK on the message: “Finished Successfully”

IPP 94Null 6 | Error 94 - Invalid use of Null

• The error is now corrected, restart payroll and log in as normal.

If the utility fails to complete or does not resolve the issue please contact our support team for further assistance. Click here for contact details.

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