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Error:[Employee Name(address)] is no longer owned by your account.

Article ID


Article Name

Error:[Employee Name(address)] is no longer owned by your account.

Created Date

1st May 2019


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ, IRIS OpenPayslips


When trying to publish payslips or pension letters the user gets the following error:

cannot upload to the web service error is no longer owned by your account please contact support if you wish to publish to this employee do you want to continue


The email address used for this employee has been published to from another company using a different OpenPayslips/OpenEnrol account. The ownership of this account has been transferred to the new publisher.

How account ownership works:

resizedimage256600 OPAccOwnr3 | Error:[Employee Name(address)] is no longer owned by your account.

This system was designed to allow an employee to move between employers using OpenPayslips/OpenEnrol. The automatic transfer of ownership can only happen once, after which our support team will need to unblock the account to allow the ownership to transfer back.

Before contacting support please confirm with the employee that you have the correct email address saved in your payroll software. If not, correct this and try to publish again.

If the employee is currently receiving OpenPayslip/OpenEnrol publications from 2 different companies they will need a different email address for each.

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