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Making the most of IRIS OpenPayslips / IRIS OpenEnrol

Article ID


Article Name

Making the most of IRIS OpenPayslips / IRIS OpenEnrol

Created Date

1st November 2018


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ


IRIS Training are pleased to announce a new free webinar: Making the most of IRIS OpenPayslips / IRIS OpenEnrol


This BiteSize course will help you get up and running quickly and easily.
1. Setup and configuration
2. Sending Payslips
3. Publishing Pension Letters
4. The employee portal
5. The employer portal
6. Error Messages
7. Hints & Tips
8. Where to find help

Please follow the link below to enrol in the course for free:

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