What does prompt for unknown tags do?
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What does prompt for unknown tags do?
Created Date
29th April 2015
IRIS AutoMail
When I generate a letter in AutoMail there is an option called prompt for unknown tags. What does this do and when would I need it?
Prompt for unknown tags is a function that can be switched on or off when generating letters. It is an option that tells the system to ask the user for values if a merge field in the Word document cannot find the relevant data in the database.
For example, if you have a tag in your template for ‘Agent email address’ and you haven’t added your email address into IRIS database, then you will be prompted with a ‘missing tag screen’. For further details on the missing tag screen see KB IAS-11958 : What does the missing tag screen mean in AutoMail.
If you want to be prompted for every tag in the Word document that cannot be automatically provided by the IRIS database, then this option needs to be ticked.
If it is unticked the document will be generated and any tags that cannot find the data it needs will simply enter nothing into the documents.
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