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What is a non-charge activity?

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What is a non-charge activity?

Created Date

23rd January 2004


IRIS Time and Fees


What is a non-charge activity and are there any settings involved?


A non-charge activity defines work done by a staff member that is not related to a client or work that is not to be charged to a client. Non-Charge activities are split into two sections. Accountable and non-Accountable. Accountable time is time spent that is deemed to be unproductive, or time that could have been spent working on clients in a chargeable sense instead. This affects the staff performance figures and reduces the chargeable percentage. Examples of non-charge activities of this type include General Administration, Filing etc. Non-Accountable time is time spent that could not have been spent working on a client. The staff performance figures are not directly affected by work posted to this activity. Examples of non-accountable activities include, Annual Leave, Bank Holidays, Maternity Leave, etc.

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